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Pine Co., MN Lookup Volunteers

Do you have a resource you would be willing to share? Please contact me. Some other great places to find volunteers include Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness and Books We Own.

When making a request, please follow these guidelines:
  1. Include the name of the reference in your message.
  2. Please limit your request to one or two specific names with dates or other information if necessary.
  3. Don't forget to thank the volunteer for their time and effort!

I have two books on Askov (Partridge), Pine Co., that I will do lookups in Builders With Purpose, by Anker M. Simonsen, American Publishing Co., 1963 - details settlement of the Danish Community of Askov, and From Partridge to Askov, published by the Danish Ladies' Aid, Reprinted 1991 - details more of the Danish Community of Askov and the second generation of that Danish Community.
I live in the Hinckley area and would be willing to do vital records and obituary lookups, as well as possibly photos of gravestones. Alaina Lyseth

Fun Links
Do you have any fun or interesting Pine Co., MN links? Please send them to me!

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Copyright 2008 by Melissa Warner